____...Philippe Leblond
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Qui est Philippe Leblond Laissez-vous être emportés par votre curiosité
On the menu: What is Feldenkrais?
Articles Awareness Through Movement
More to come, when I find the time...
Who is Philippe Leblond Enjoy... |
Links to other Feldenkrais
The Feldenkrais Guild ofNorth America www.feldenkrais.com
The International Feldenkrais Federation www.feldenkrais-method.org
L'Association Feldenkrais Québec www.feldenkraisqc.info
The Feldenkrais-Gilde Deutschland e.V.http://www.feldenkrais.de
Ralph Strauch's Los Angeles Somatic Options/Feldenkrais website provides information about the FELDENKRAIS Method, T'ai Chi, his book THE REALITY ILLUSION, using awareness to avoid RSI, and a movement lesson you can do at your computer.
Marion Harris: The Feldenkrais Centre, Toronto www.feldenkraiscentre.com
Kathryn Goldman, San Francisco and Lake Tahoe www.coherent.org/3.htm
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